Sándor Aranyos
Head of Event and Marketing
I believe museums are the best places in the world. Not only because they make cultural values accessible to everyone, or because they are fantastic places for the development of the creative industries, but also because they create great opportunities for brand collaborations. Museums and cultural content are the most exciting places to translate into business and social collaborations. Cultural values have been an integral part of my life since my childhood. However I've always seen them as an opportunity, as a creative catalyst for rewarding and useful collaborations. The marketing of museum event venues and the development of brand collaborations are part of my work. Creativity, inspiration, collaboration, these are the keywords for me at the Museum of Fine Arts.
Ildikó Nagy-Huszti
project manager
I came to the museum from the client side 17 years ago. From the very first moment, I found the wonderful environment of the museum particularly inspiring and stimulating, and even after all this time I am still impressed by the fact that the institution, which hosts events, conferences and other activities, presents and conveys to its visitors the culture of thousands of years. In many cases, we receive feedback from guests during an event, which confirms that the public cultural space offers an aesthetic and emotional added value and experience for everyone.
Anna Gundel-Takács
Sales and marketing manager
Abstract and rational thinking are equally characteristic of me. I rely on philosophical theories and the practicality of everyday life in the same way, and the psychology of art and the laws of logic also have a profound effect on me and also fascinate me. In a constant search for harmony between these dualities, I finally found myself in the field of art management, obtained a Master's degree and started working. When organising events at the Museum of Fine Arts and its partner institutions, I also try to keep a balance between two principles: to serve an existing business requirement and to create a higher demand for art and culture, so that those who come to an event as guests return to the museum space later on their own!
Alexandra Jahn
Project and Media Manager
Before my current job, I worked for several years in concert organisation and organising marketing communication conferences. With this experience I have joined the corporate events team at the Museum of Fine Arts in 2013. Why do I love working here? Apart from mutual attention and a good atmosphere, what we have in common is that everyone here feels an inner calling to show clients the inspiring power of the cultural environment. Personally, I believe in the mediatory power of art, because I have experienced in practice that company cultures and the people who work there can easily relate to the values of the museum.
Kati Nagy
project manager
I joined the Museum of Fine Arts in 2005. As a lay art lover, it is a great honour and responsibility to work within these walls. It is of the highest importance to me to convey to the organisers and clients of the events hosted by the museum that they are working in a cultural environment rich in treasures, not just renting a room. My personal goal is that, in support of the Museum's function as a store of value and a mediator, the events we host should increasingly represent an approach to sustainability and waste reduction, thus reinforcing our social responsibility. My husband and I are raising two children, which I have already recognised as the biggest challenge of my life.
Zsófi Ispán
marketing manager
As an art historian and photographer, I have always been fascinated by history and art, which I would like to not only enjoy, but also convey through my creative content, my photos and also through the museum events I organise. Since 2017 I have been working for the Museum of Fine Arts - Hungarian National Gallery as a marketing and communication manager, copywriter and photographer. During my years here I have been involved in the design and implementation of various campaigns, creative copywriting and content production. I believe that through our projects, we can reach new audiences and by doing so, more people can experience the formative power of art.
László Zsófia
I have been working at the Museum of Fine Arts for 22 years as an art historian, museum educator and more recently as a communication and interpretation specialist. In my work as a museum, I am most interested in communicating cultural content through different channels and developing creativity: whether it is a simple guided tour, workshop, training or an event involving the co-arts, I try to help people connect with the artworks.
Medgyesi Kriszta
coach, tréner
I have been working in the development of groups and organisations since 2005. I have implemented a number of organisational development and leadership development processes, trained facilitators, trainers and organisational developers from 10 to 1800 people. I have obtained certifications as ARPe©, GPOP™, Hogan, SHL and DISC feedback, focus trainer, PCC certified coach and Action Learning Team Coach. I am a lecturer at the BME GTK Master of Arts in Work and Organizational Psychology. What I love about my work is using the arts to offer new insight, inspiration and development opportunities to the groups we work with.
Enikő Báry
psychologist, coach, trainer
I consider all collaborative work, whether with individuals or groups, to be about mutual learning and development. I do not believe in quick, effortless, "instant" success. But I do believe in conscious, 'face-to-face', experimental, creative joint work that leads to results. My aim is to impact others through my knowledge, commitment and passion for my profession. I believe that there is a wealth of value, potential and growth in everyone. As a developer, my inner drive is to support my clients to discover these potentials within themselves and to be able to harness them to achieve growth towards their own goals.
Brigitta Benkő
coach (PCC), trainer, organisational developer
My mission is to create a safe space for individuals, teams and organisations to change and develop towards their best selves. I did this previously as a leader and now as a development professional. In Art-Work programs, it is always fantastic to experience how art and its stories can be a bridge to ourselves and each other. It gives us a unique perspective from which to see how we operate. It makes us aware, inspires us, energises us. It gives us the choice to shape our daily practices in ways that are most beneficial to us and our environment. I am grateful to accompany teams on this experiential journey of development.